7 November 2013

Matching Boonies

My dream since I joined, to find matching boonies.
Take a look, mine and candired's are the same! Right down to the detail of them both being ill :D

Oh my gosh, I caught my avatar at a funny moment :O

30 October 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy halloween everyone

Heres a couple pics of my pumpkin :)

30 September 2013

My 4th Bestie Has Been Locked

Got this message today on !! Awesome !!, so have not yet got a reply. Poor FuzzyRoxs.

28 August 2013

Map Bug

The map wont load o.0

21 August 2013

Endless Hellos

This goes on, a LOT!
Truly this is endless hellos, by the way this is all diff times (not all at once).

Wonder if we will ever say anything but hi to each other :D

18 August 2013

Stop Making Looks Of Me

I really dont like people making looks of me, I never have.
I do have reasons...
'Wear pllz' is the first look there, I wear what I want! Plus, why is it dark on the small pic of it? MSP glitches a lot -.-
'Buyinh hair ;3' is the next 1, why dont you just buy off my looks? (Yes, I like to earn sc form my own looks and stuff).
'want it :B' is the last 1 on this page. If you want it, then why dont you buy it from my looks?

See my reasons, well can you stop making looks of me now. Theres many pages of simluar stuff I just showed you the newest page.

Home Page Bug

Does anyone else ever get this when they go to the MSP home page or is it just me?

16 August 2013

Movie Bug

I was making some shorties on my user !! Awesome !! and on the 3rd this happened.
I changed the background and it went black, when I move the users they go invisible until the next step and it happens again.
You could enjoy watching this movie but my MSP crashed while trying to save it, sorry. =)

Boonie Bounce

Boonie Bounce is a fun and simple app, it can earn you some sc and fame but not much. Overall its alright and could be a lot better with a few simple updates-
To be able to log out
Have less rumors about it glitching you to level 25
And to link to the MSP website more (eg. able to see our friends scores).

14 August 2013


Sorry that I havnt posted in a while.

Well lets see what have I got to update you on.

Hastags- They block out things that they shouldnt and Ive got proof and auto warning are meant to be gone. I got 1 for saying '13%' on my artbook -.-'' Not impressed and swearing is still happening (just spelt even worse than ever). Guess theres advantages that people will be more careful about what they say.

My other user- I have made a user called !! Awesome !! and leveled it to level 19 in this time (just 4months) yay me xD

Guess thats it, ill start keeping you more updated from now on ^^

6 July 2013

I Cant Get Fame

I know what your thinking, theres loads of bonus fame there so what are you on about?

Well, I moved my mouse all over the screen and its not letting me collect any of it. But the good news s that when I reloaded a few times (coz 1st and 2nd reload was to laggy to log me in) it let me collect all my fame! xD

I cropped out the names of the users at the bottom coz I cant be bothered to ask them all if they want to be on my blog.

23 June 2013

A Bad Day At Alton Towers

The Smiler and it broke after 2 hours of queuing.
13 was broke so we didnt bother queuing for it at all.
Air was also broke so we didnt bother queuing for it either.
Oblivion was broke for the whole time we queued for The Smiler.
Sonic Spin Balls broke after 1hour of queuing.

Nemesis and Nemesis Sub Terra worked ^-^

All the rides kept breaking, so it was an awful day.

Level 20

Thank you to everyone who helped me this far. I chose the snow globe ^-^

For this whole level,
watch my movies and I will watch yours
put me in your movies and I will watch them
Love my room and I will love yours.

This should help us all level up =)

19 June 2013

First Comment!

Im so happy. Just look I made the first comment!

Guess what I posted next XD