6 May 2013

The Hunger Games

A few days ago- My friend has finished reading the hunger games for the 5th time so  finally, I can read it (Our school library only has 1 copy of it and I couldnt be bothered to go to the normal not I school library).

Today- It took me only 3 days (YAY, beat friend who read it in a week) but I was reading it non stop with no breaks whatsoever-except to eat,drink,sleep. Feel like I need a small break and maybe live on MSP again. =)

I also watched the film. It was rubbish compared to the book. The film leaves out so much and would be much better if they spaced it out more. I will defiantly recommend the book and not the film ^.^

Chat to me about the hunger games at any time on MovieStarPlanet and remember 'May the odds ever be in your favor'!

1 comment:

  1. The Book Is WAY Better Than The Film xD
