28 February 2013


 It is now a lot easier to delete a movie. See it is just there at the side where you hover over it. It then asks are you sure and Im glad it does or I will end up loosing all my movies.

 In other news, the trades have had their much needed update. As you can see I cancel the trades I get because being honest I dont like trading.
Still, I like that it has been updated.

My next piece of news it something that Im so happy about! The recycle has had an EPIC update. Now it loads much faster and is brighter and easier in general. 

My final news on updates it that the searching a moviestar has changed. Now it has moved slightly to the right and has more pointed edges and overall it looks better and doesnt freeze as much. 

Overall, these updates has made MSP faster and easier to use and for that I am so thankful!

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